Červenec v Opičím světě a okolí / July in and around Monkey World 2009
Friday, June 20, 2008
Po prvnim tydnu / News after first week
Takze ted vam popisu svuj prvni tyden a asi s tim vystacite az do rijna, protoze vic uz se toho asi dit nebude:-) Ale nestezuju si. Takze pracuju od osmi do peti, hodinu na obed a dve ctvrthodinove prestavky na svacinu, zatim zadne prescasy, coz je skoda, protoze jsou skoro dvakrat tolik placene, proto s nimi taky setri...Slysim kolem sebe polstinu, rustinu a slovenstinu, obcas skotstinu, ale dohanim to vecer, kdy posloucham nahravky Harryho Pottera, abych z te anglictiny preci jen neco mela;-) Uz jsem se tu naucila spoustu novych veci, takze uz umim sazet vres, presazovat vres, plet vres, tridit vres a posledni co me jeste ceka je pripravovat vres k prodeji:-)))) Je to opravdu velkovyroba, takze mi rukama kazdy den prjdou stovky sazenicek vresu, dneska jsem jich uz napriklad zasadila 140 krat 14, spocitejte si sami, na me je to moc...Nejhorsi je presazovani, to jsme u pasu, masina nam hazi kvetinace naplnene hlinou a my presazujeme tempem, ktere mi chvili trvalo pochytit, kdzy uz se to ale podari, je to zazitek, pripadam si jako robot, rozhodne je to ale vynikajici cviceni na soustredeni, jedine zamysleni a jsem ztracena;-) Dalsi zajimava zkusenost, kazdopadne, dele nez ty ctyri mesice bych to ale asi absolvovat nechtela... / So I have survived the first week here and all the others for next four months should be pretty much the same. I have already done most of the things you can do with heathers in heathers nursery - I have learnt how to plant them, replant them, weed them, sort them...the last thing ahead is making them ready for expedition:-) and then I will be pretty much ready to become heather nurserer;-) There are huge amounts of plants going through our hands every day, for example today I planted already 140 x 14 plants, count for yourself, too big number for me...The only really tough thing is replanting because there is a conveyor belt there, bringing pots with the dirt, and it is fast...But when I manage to get the speed, it is interesting experience, I feel like a robot, and it is perfect exercise for concentration indeed, one wrong move and all is lost...So another interesting experience of my life, luckily only four months, don't think I would survive longer:-)
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Moje nove mobilni cislo / My new cell phone number
Takze zatim sazim male vetvicky vresu do malych kvetinacku, a odpoledne trochu plejeme plevel z dalsich vresu..Higland Heathers jsou nejvesti pestirnou vresu v cele Britanii, takze mysim, ze mi za chvili ze vseho toho vresu pujde brzo hlava kolem...ale nastesti je kolem ta naherna priroda, ktera mi tu hlavu pekne procisti...dneska jsem chytla stop do Obanu, nejblizsiho vetsiho mesta v dosahu, kde maji internet, ale drahy, jako ostatne vsechno, takze to bylo poprve a naposledy. Ted uz jen moje cislo, na ktere muzete bez obav smskovat, bude vas to stat stejne jako v ramci Cech, budu se tesit;-) 00447 827 387 261...is my new cell phone number where I am looking forward to read sms from you, guys;-)
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Londyn / London
Malem bych zapomnela na mou zastavku v Londyne! Sesla jsem se tam s prateli, ktere jsem potkala v Africe, a bylo to moc fajn. Vzali me zadarmo do londynske zoo, protoze tam delaji dobrovolniky, tam jsem se vzdycky chtela podivat na ksukola, tolik zvlastni a proslavenou nocni madagaskarskou poloopici, ale jeho pavilon byl jako naschval zavreny. Alespon jsem tedy videla novy vybeh pro gorily, ktery je docela slusny, ale jinak je to velice prumerna zahrada. To je ale vseobecne znamo, stejne jako to, ze ale investuji velke prostredky na zachranu zvirat ve volne priride, coz je pravdepodobne mnohem dulezitejsi...No, potom me jeste vzali na obed do thajske restaurace, a pak uz me posadili na autobus, a do Glasgow jsem jela pres noc... A ted jsem tady, dve hodiny od Glasgow, v pestirne vresu.. I would almost forget about my stop in London! I have met great frineds of mine who I was living and working with in Monkeyland, SA, and we had most lovely time together during one day... They took me to London zoo, where I always wanted to go to see an aye-aye, the lemur known from Durrel's book, but his house was closed that day unfortunately. But at least I have seen the brand new enclosure for gorillas, which is quite cool. Otherwise the zoo doesn't reach out of average, which is known, but what is also known is, that they work a lot for conservation in nature, which is far more important anyway...So like that. Well, then they took me for a best lunch ever to Thai restaurant and after that I left by an overnight bus for Glasgow...And there I am, in a heather nursery..
First and probably last message from Scotland for longer time...
...because internet access is only on their computer and in the lunch time twice a week, which means almost no pictures (without my computer it would take ages...) and just very few news...But so far so good - accomodation in caravan is quite comfortable, even with heating and tv, so in comparison with Africa it's luxury;-) I have my own tiny room and there is another room where the couple is staying, English girl and Dutch guy, who are almost the only people I can talk in English with, so it is not gonna get much better...My coleagues in work are otherwise from Russia and one girl even from Slovakia, which is almost the same language as Czech...But surrounding is truly beautiful, as I expected, and just few minutes of walk gets me into such silence, that i can hear my breath, which is amazing...The lake is really just two minutes from my caravan, gorgeous...Little bit colder then I expected, we are quite high in the mountains, but luckily I took enough clothes in my huuuge back pack, so I will be fine:-) So that's about it for now, take care and have a good times wherever and whatever you are doing! Love you all.
Prvni a mozna nadlouho posledni zprava ze Skotska
Prvni dojmy dobre. Karavan, ve kterem mam svou vlastni spelunku a ve druhe je par, Anglicanka a Holandan, je maly, ale utulny, vcetne topeni a televize, takze proti Africe luxus:-) Kolem je nadherne, jak jsem cekala. Jedine, co jsem necekala, ze tu bude takova zima, je to tady totiz dost vysoko, pripadam si jako v Krkonosich, ovsem s tim rozdilem, ze dve minuty od karavanu lezi obrovske jezero, po skotsky Loch, takze opravdu nadhera. Prace je legracni - sedime a zapichujeme male vetvicky vresu do platicek po stovkach, zadna drina, jen mam problem s rychlosti, ale to neni nic prekvapiveho, ze;-) Jo, a anglicky se taky moc nenamluvim, moje spolupracujici je Slovenka a ostatni jsou Rusky, jeste ze aspon bydlim s tou jedinou Anglicankou, ktera tu je, ale nevim, jak tu dlouho vydrzi, moc ji to neba...A s internetem to bude problem, bezdratovy tu nemaji, takze se svym pocitacem se nepripojim, a na tenhle muzu jen ve ctvrtek a patek v dobe obeda, takze bida. Vetsinou se tu pracuje jen pet dnu v tydnu, vyjimecne sest, ale i kdyz se o vikendu da do nejblizsiho mesta Lochgilpheadu dojet busem, internetova kavarna v nem neni, net je jen v knihovne a ta je o vikendu zavrena. Takze je mi lito, ale moc toho o me neuslysite, a uz vubec neuvidite, protoze bez sveho pocitace s Picasou nez bych tu natahla fotky, uz by nezbyl cas na obed:-( Takze maximalne kratke zpravicky. Pro ty, kdo by mi chteli napsat na mobil, coz neni problem, bude vas to stat stejne jako v ramci Cech, sem priste napisu cislo. Toz se mejte fajn a opatrujte!
Monday, June 2, 2008
My plans are getting shape...
At last I found a job. In one week I am leaving Czech republic for Scotland, to work for Highlands Heathers Plant Nursery in the district Argyl and Bute near Lochgilphead, two hours by bus from Glasgow. Taking care for plants on the bank of Scottish lake...pardon me, loch....Well, not sure if it will be that romantic as it sounds, but I considere it as quite reasonable way to earn money for my next journey to Africa. If all goes well, I would like to stay there till mid October. Then coming back to Czech for couple of days and my flight ticket for Johannesburg is reserved for 3rd November already..I am not gonna stay in Joburg for long though, and I hope my way from there through Bloemfontein, Free State, where is Neels waiting for me now, to The Crags near Plettenberg Bay will be as quick as possible...And there is Karin and her monkeys and lot of work at her rehabilitation centre waiting for us already, can't wait. But at first my good old Scotland...

Sunday, June 1, 2008
Moje další plány už se rýsují
Konečně se mi povedlo sehnat práci. Za týden a kousek se vydávám do Skotska, přesazovat kytky. Slyšíte dobře - zaměstnají mě v zahradnictví na břehu skotského jezera...No, asi to nebude tak romantické, jak to zní:-), ale hrabat se v hlíně ve Skotsku se mi zdá docela schůdnou variantou, jak si vydělat na další cestu do Afriky. Pokud to dobře půjde, chtěla bych tam být někdy do půlky října. Potom se na chvilku vrátím domů, a na 3. listopadu už mám rezervovanou letenku do Johannesburgu. Tam ale dlouho nezůstanu, to se nebojte. Přesun zpátky do Tsitsikamského pralesa přes Bloemfontein, hlavní město provincie Free State, bude doufám co nejrychlejší. A tam už mě čekají kočkodani a Karin Saks se svou záchrannou stanicí. Ale to je ještě daleko, teď hurá do starého dobrého Skotska...
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