Červenec v Opičím světě a okolí / July in and around Monkey World 2009

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

International Primatological Society Congress, Edinburgh

To je misto, kam se prave chystam. Dostala jsem bohuzel jen dva dny dovolene, takze jsem uspesne prosvihla prispevky vsech tri kamaradek, pravych nefalsovanych primatolozek:-) Presto se tam s nimi vsemi doufam potkam, na coz se moc tesim, stejne tak jako na Edinburgh samotny, kde jsem pred sesti lety (!!!) stravila krasne tri mesice...samozrejme nesmi chybet navsteva zoo, kde jsem mesic pomahala na oddeleni primatu...jak stylove...:-) O vikendu se potom presouvam do Glasgow. Tam me doufejme ceka navsteva zachranne stanice pro zranena zvirata, kde pracuje Airlie, moje skotska pritelkyne z Afriky. Tak se teste na spousty obrazku!
That is the place where I am heading today. I got only two days of holidays unfortunately, so I had "successfully" missed talks of all my three friends, who are already there, cause they are the proper primatologists;-) But I am hoping to meet them all there anyway, really looking forward to...As well as to visit of Edinburgh itself, I had spent three amazing months there six years ago...and obviously I can't miss the Edinburgh zoo, where I had been volunteering with primates for one month...how appropriate:-) On Saturday I am gonna move on to Glasgow, hope to visit the rescue and rehabilitation center for injured and handicapped animals, where my Scottish friend Airlie works. So you can look forward to loads of new pictures!