Omlouvam se za mezeru v toku informaci, i kdyz jak jste si jiste vsimli, fotografie tecou porad plnym proudem:-) Po navsteve konference v Edinburghu, ktera by si zaslouzila vlastni prispevek, a snad na nej casem dojde, se tu moc veci nestalo, az posledni tyden, kdy jsem si poridila kolo, a o vikendu me sem priletela navstivit mamka se sestrickou. Diky obema udalostem mam ted novou hromadu fotek, kterou vam sem ale budu moct pridat az se dostanu na rychlejsi internet, cili asi v sobotu. Do te doby vam musi stacit tenhle obrazek, dokumentujici cinnost, kterou jsem v poslednich trech mesicich stravila nejvic casu...sazeni vresu, pokud to nekomu uniklo:-) Nastesti uz nezbyva dlouho...potom se s vami tesim na videnou ve Dvore, Budejovicich, Praze..nebo pripadne jen dal ve virtualnim svete internetu...Let me apologize for the gap in information flow here, although as you hopefully noticed, pictures were flowing all the time...:-) After visiting Edinburgh congress, which will hopefully get post on its own at some point too, nothing really happened here. Till the last week, when I bought a bike, and last weekend, when my mum and sister came to visit me here...thanks to these two events I have stacks of new pictures, but you will have to wait till next weekend when I will get to faster connection again...Until then this picture of me doing the job I spent most of the last three times with, planting heathers for case somebody didn't notice yet:-))))) must be sufficient;-)